E.E. Thorgaard Image

E.E. Thorgaard

experienced wanderlust as soon as the coronavirus pandemic shutdown began!  Of all the places she couldn’t go anymore, she most longed to return to London with her husband.

E.E. uses her expertise in cognitive psychology to write developmentally appropriate books for children and provide resources to their caregivers and educators.  Her goal is to empower families and communities to discuss their thoughts and feelings about complicated topics that affect their lives in imaginative and healthy ways. 

Her favorite social distancing activities have been video chatting with her 11 nieces and nephews, eating ice cream by a local pond, and playing with her newly adopted puppy. 


J. Shapiro

experiences wanderlust of her own all the time!  She and her husband have spent much of their lives together traveling to remote parts of the world, from Cambodia to the Galápagos Islands. She is most longing to finish her road trip across South Africa when travel restrictions have eased again.

J. used her expertise in fine art and graphic design to imagine the characters and settings of When the World Closed in whimsical and emotive ways. She used a unique watercolor technique on premium watercolor paper to create the vibrant landscapes of the world as it is showcased in the book.

Her favorite social distancing activity has been helping to promote Kodiak Care, a non-profit organization her family started to help families save the lives of beloved family dogs who need special care (follow @KodiakCare on Instagram)!