Isolation Imagination: Quar-o-ween & socially distant spooks!

Isolation Imagination: Quar-o-ween & socially distant spooks!

Fall feels different this year as we brace for what will likely be another wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US and across much of the world. Halloween and other fall festivities will inevitably look and feel different. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some of the fun we usually look forward to at this time of the year. Read on for ideas for a safe and healthy quarantined Halloween!

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Isolation Imagination: Fun things to do with your family during shutdown (Part 1)

Isolation Imagination: Fun things to do with your family during shutdown (Part 1)

Suffering from COVID-19 fatigue? We definitely are.

So we've created a running series of blog posts to share some of our fun and socially distant activity ideas, in case you want to try them too! I'm calling them quarantivities (quarantine activities - love it!?)!

These are family friendly, socially distant, healthy and safe ideas for new and different activities to do with your family!

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